Información de Contacto

475 10th Avenue
New York New York 10018
Estados Unidos
Teléfono: 212 478-8181

Basic Info

Competencias principales: Digital, Marcas / Desarrollo del producto, Packaging / Diseño

Fundada en: 2002

Empleados: 85

Premios: 1

Clientes: 23


475 10th Avenue
New York New York 10018
Estados Unidos
Teléfono: 212 478-8181

About Laird+Partners

In creating a unique identity for each of our clients, we provide the highest level of visual sophistication combined with an insightful strategic marketing approach. In doing so, we offer a rande of capabilities from traditional advertising to digital services, in order to deliver a consistent brand experience.


Filosofía y ventajas competitivas
  • We believe that great brands move you.

They make you feel something. And they make you do something.

  • L+P leverages the power of style and design to move consumers.

Style & Design:

- are increasingly important currency for brands across categories

- have become pop cultural force

Descripción de la red

A London office slated to open in 2012 

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