TítuloAuchan - The Selfscan Report
Campaña Auchan - The Selfscan Report
Anunciante Auchan S.p.A.
Marca Auchan S.p.A.
PostedSeptiembre 2017
Sector Empresarial Grandes almacenes, supermercados
Filosofía We used the receipts given to the customers as the medium for our sustainability report. We put barcodes on these receipts that the customers could scan by using a scan-app. By doing so the content of the report immediately appeared on their smartphones.
Problema The main objective was to create a sustainability report, which is sustainable by itself. Therefore we not only wanted to create a report that requires as little paper as possible, but especially use the existing channels of distribution for our idea.
Resultado Per report we saved over 99% paper. And within one week we reached more than 1,5 mio. people additionally compared to last year. The sustainability report was very well received and the feedback was unanimously positive.
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