Información de Contacto

Bosque De Duraznos 65-8P
Mexico City Districto Federa 11700
Teléfono: 5-596 6188

Basic Info

Fundada en: 1951


Empleados: 211

Premios: 26

Clientes: 5

Leo Burnett Mexico

Bosque De Duraznos 65-8P
Mexico City Districto Federa 11700
Teléfono: 5-596 6188

Francisco Cardenas


Teléfono: 5-596 6188

Antonio Hidalgo

Creative Director

Teléfono: 5-596 6188

Jack Phifer

Managing Director

Teléfono: 5-596 6188

About Leo Burnett Mexico

Publicis Communications is the creative communications hub of Publicis Groupe, bringing together the Leo Burnett, Saatchi & Saatchi, Publicis Worldwide, BBH, Marcel, Fallon, MSLGROUP and Prodigious networks

Present in over 100 countries, Publicis Communications aims to deliver transformative work to its clients and to attract the best talents in the industry. Publicis Communications draws upon the expertise of over 30,000 employees. 


Filosofía y ventajas competitivas
Our Vision: To be an indispensable source of our clients' competitive advantage. Our Mission: We will work with our clients as a community of star-reachers whose ideas build leadership brands through imagination and a sensitive and deeper understanding of human behavior
Descripción de la red
Leo Burnett has more than 270 operating units worldwide, including 91 full-service offices in 81 countries.
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