Información de Contacto

2 Bloor Street West
Toronto Ontario M4W 3E2

Basic Info

Fundada en: 1992

Casa Central:


Empleados: 325

Premios: 126

Creaciones: 1

Clientes: 7

BBDO Canada

2 Bloor Street West
Toronto Ontario M4W 3E2
Andrew Bailey

Andrew Bailey

VP Interactive, Proximity Canada

Teléfono: 416 323-9162

Marilyn Barefoot

VP Promotions, Proximity Canada

Teléfono: 416 323-9162

Domenic Caruso

President, CEO

Teléfono: 416 972-1505

Gilad Coppersmith

Managing Director, OMD Toronto

Teléfono: 416 681-5600

Marcus Evans

President, Proximity Canada

Teléfono: 416 323-9162

Colin Flint

SVP Head of Account Planning, BBDO Toronto

Teléfono: 416 972-1505

Gerry Frascione

President & CEO, BBDO Canada

Teléfono: 416 972-1505

Jack Neary

Jack Neary

President & CCO, BBDO Toronto

Teléfono: 416 972-1505

Mary Ruf

SVP Direct Marketing Services, Proximity Canada

Teléfono: 416 323-9162

About BBDO Canada

Who we are

Each day at BBDO we set out to deliver the world's most compelling advertising. We develop the best creative content in every form and channel imaginable. And we do it better than anyone else. In fact, we were recently named the "Most Awarded Agency Network" in the world by The Gunn Report for the fifth consecutive year. In 2011, we were also named Cannes Network of the Year for the fifth consecutive year. 2011 was the first year that Cannes awarded Lions for Effectiveness and the BBDO Network won four of the six awards given, including the Grand Prix.

In 2011, BBDO Toronto was named Strategy's Agency of the Year and we were awarded silver in Digital Agency of the Year, finishing runner-up to our sister agency, Proximity.

Early in 2012, we were named Agency of the Year at the FAB Awards, the world's preeminent Food and Beverage show.

More recently we were named Agency of the Year at the Art and Design Club of Canada.


Inglés, Francés
Filosofía y ventajas competitivas

How we work

We work with clients who operate around the globe, nationally, and locally. We work in all communications channels with clients in all categories. We work with famous consumer brands, with world-class B2B brands, and with aspiring smaller brands who understand the value of great creative. BtoB magazine even named us their BtoB Agency of the Year in 2006, 2008, and 2010 (they don't allow you to win in successive years).

So why the focus on great creative? The answer is simple. Our goal is to build our clients' brands and businesses. By creating the most compelling creative, we get people to notice, to engage, to act. This obsession on the work is how we best help our clients succeed. 

Descripción de la red

BBDO is a worldwide advertising agency network, with its headquarters in New York City. The agency began in 1891 with George Batten's Batten Company, and later in 1928, through a merger of BDO (Barton, Durstine & Osborn) and Batten Co. the agency became BBDO.

BBDO Worldwide has been named the "Most Awarded Agency Network in the World" by The Gunn Report for 5 consecutive years. As well, it has won "Network of the Year" at the Cannes Lions for the first six years since its inception.

With more than 15,000 employees in 289 offices in 80 countries, it is the largest of three global networks (BBDO, DDB, TBWA) of agencies in Omnicom's portfolio.

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