Información de Contacto

195 Broadway
New York New York 10007
Estados Unidos
Teléfono: 646 587-5000

Basic Info

Competencias principales: Todo en uno

Fundada en: 1835

Casa Central:


Empleados: 12000

Premios: 118

Clientes: 2

Havas Media

195 Broadway
New York New York 10007
Estados Unidos
Teléfono: 646 587-5000

About Havas Media

At Havas Media Network, we invest in media that matters.

We understand where to find the most meaningful media using our unique Mx system. We build a Media Experience (Mx) that connects a client with their target audience – in the context of where they are, through the content they pay attention to.

The Mx System creates value for our clients by turning consumer intelligence into clear growth targets, aligning stakeholders and KPIs through the custom Mx Brief, and measuring the impact of rich and respectful media experiences.

Because we believe that more Meaningful Media can help
build more Meaningful Brands. 


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