TítuloThis is not a peaceful way to live 1
Campaña War or Home?
Anunciante Techo
Fecha de primera difusión/publicación 2024 / 8
Sector Empresarial Acciones Caritativas, fundaciones, voluntariado
Filosofía A collaboration with Rodrigo Abd a photographer winner of the Pulitzer Prize in 2013 and 2023, portrays the reality of thousands of Paraguayans. Paraguay is one of the most unequal countries in the world, and the housing situation is one of its clearest reflections. Although seeing the conditions in which vulnerable people live is sad and shocking, living with this reality all the time makes us end up getting used to it, until it becomes almost invisible. Therefore, to show reality with different eyes, this print campaign was made from a tour of different settlements, where we saw how they live day to day as if they were in a war zone.
Medio Prensa y publicaciones
Director creativo
Director artístico
Director de proyectos
Director de proyectos
Director de proyectos
Director de proyectos
Miembro del equipo creativo
Miembro del equipo creativo
Miembro del equipo creativo
Account Management
Production Team
Production Team
Director medios comunicación

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