Información de Contacto

Capitán Ortiz 1900
Teléfono: +595 21 297 451
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Basic Info

Fundada en: 2000


Premios: 8

Creaciones: 15

Fundada en: 2000


Premios: 8

Creaciones: 15


Capitán Ortiz 1900
Teléfono: +595 21 297 451
Sitio Web:


Paraguay has a high number of children under 1 year old without birth certificate. 24% are not enrolled in civil registration, and this number grows to 35% at indian children

In essence, this means they have no official identity. With the upcoming presidential election, our job was to work with UNICEF, to make our candidates commit to this.

Presidential campaigns are sensible to media topics. So, we need to do a message with big media impact.

Soccer is the favorite spot in Paraguay. The Paraguayan soccer selection matches has high rating in tv and radios.

In association with 2 tv channels and 4 radios which conveyed the party Uruguay vs Paraguay for Brazil 2014 world cup qualifying, Unicef generated brand content to send a big message to presidential candidates.

Unicef generated “No name match”: during the opening minutes of Uruguay vs Paraguay soccer match (Paraguayan last chance to keep alive the chances to go to Brazil 2014 World Cup), 2 tv channels and 4 highest rated radios broadcasted live the game without saying the player´s names.

After that, our message was reveal:

Like these players, we all need a name and nationality.

In Paraguay, before the year, 1 of 4 children is not enrolled in the civil registration

What does your candidate think about that? Ask him