TítuloCase study #InstaZOOMZ5
Campaña Case study #InstaZOOMZ5 - Sony Mobile
Anunciante Sony Mobile France
Marca Sony
Fecha de primera difusión/publicación 2016 / 4
Sector Empresarial Telefonía móvil y buscapersonas
Lema #InstaZOOMZ5 The first ZOOM on Instagram
Sinopsis #InstazoomZ5, the first ZOOM on Instagram by Sony Xperia.
What’s the best way to demonstrate the exceptional performance of the Sony Xperia Z5 camera? The brand, which has recently signed up to Instagram – the ultimate photo platform – has organized an unprecedented experience. 
On Instagram, it isn’t possible to zoom in on photos... In order to highlight the quality of the Xperia Z5 camera sensor, Sony Mobile has come up with a creative device that exceeds the platform’s technological limitations, offering Instagrammers the ability to zoom in on a shot for the first time.
On the @SonyXperiaFR Instagram account, it is now possible to zoom in up to five times on any part of a photo (shot with an Xperia Z5). This native experience (directly accessible in the platform) is made ​​possible thanks to a tree structure of over 100 Instagram accounts! Instagrammers can now discover an array of amusing details at each zoom level. 
Medio Redes Sociales
Director ejecutivo de creación
Directeur de la stratégie
Jefe de cuentas
Studio Supervisor
Dirección artística
Directeur social web
Social Media Strategist
Digital Project Manager
Chef de projet social media
Digital Project Manager Pierre-Edouard Vidal
Assistant chef de projet digital
Agence media

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