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Creaciones: 47

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São Paulo São Paulo 05502-001
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Album allows late-adoption parents to see themselves, for the first time, next to their children since their birth day



Album allows late-adoption parents to see themselves, for the first time, next to their children since their birth day

On the Brazilian National Adoption Day (May 25th), Dermodex and BETC São Paulo honor families with illustrations that join parents and adoptive children in remarkable and special moments - even before they had met each other


Late adoption in Brazil is still a rare gesture, which runs up against various myths and prejudices. Today, 92% of children who are waiting for adoption are over 7 years old. However, of the 37,000 parents who want to adopt, only 9% welcome children of that age or older, according to data from the National Justice Council.

To raise awareness to this cause, Dermodex brand, a specialist in rashes, and the advertising agency BETC São Paulo, announce this Friday, on the Brazilian National Adoption Day (May 25th), an experiment carried out with three Brazilian families, which allowed late-adoption parents to see themselves, for the first time, with their children in special moments since their birth day.

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Part of a small part of the population, three couples - Ester and Moacir, Cacalo and Zé Antônio, and Malu and Joachim - were surprisingly honored with The UnPhotographed Album (“O Álbum Nunca Fotografado” in Portuguese): illustrations that unite parents and their adopted children, even before they had met, in special moments. "Eternizing moments of life is an experience that everyone deserves to have, including late-adoption parents, who could not keep up with the early years of their children. Even though they have not lived certain situations, in the imaginary of these families, those moments have always existed”, says Erh Ray, BETC São Paulo CEO, highlighting the purpose of the activation.


Through an album of memories, these parents had the opportunity to see themselves next to their children, since each of their child’s birth day. After months of detailed research, studying the past of those families before the adoption, BETC São Paulo found out which moments and stories the parents and their children would like to have lived together. From this, in partnership with Studio Ícone, they created customized albums full of realistic illustrations, bringing unforgettable images of those families, from moments that would have happened before they met: diaper changing, birthday parties, weddings, garden games, among many other situations.


"If I could choose a moment, I would like them to be my little bridesmaids, so they would enter the church hall with me on my wedding day. They would be two little ones!". comments Ester, who, along with Moacir, adopted Sabrina at age 7 and then Ketelyn at age 11, and had one of the illustrations materializing this desired moment. The activation also brings the love at first sight of Cacalo and Zé Antônio with Matheus, who was born with a serious vision problem that did not stop him from reaching a new home at age 7. "This translates all my thoughts of all those years. Everything I thought I could have lived with him" says Cacalo on the film. "All the time we did not have is here, on this album" says Malu, next to her husband Joachim. The couple adopted the three biological sisters Gabriela, Rafaela and Emily, who were 6, 4 and 3 years old, respectively, at that time.


With the message "They were already a family. They just hadn’t met yet", the film can be seen in Dermodex's social networks, and it also invites people to form new families inspired by those stories.


About the families

Malu and Joachim - Gabriela, Rafaela and Emily parents
The couple adopted the three biological sisters together. When they arrived at the Forum, the middle sister jumped on Malu's lap, and the younger one joined them in a hug. At the moment they were leaving, the oldest one said goodbye: "Bye, Mom". They did not resist and adopted the three of them. They claim that they have tried to naturally conceive a baby for three times, and have also mistakenly bought a triple bunk bed without imagining that they would receive the three children.

Cacalo and Zé Antônio - Matheus parents
Zé Antonio received a photo of Matheus on his cell phone. He was at work and cried a lot. Cacalo had the same reaction. They knew, somehow, that he was their son. They say that, when they arrived at the shelter, who hosted them was Matheus, saying: "My dads arrived!".

Ester and Moacir - Ketelyn and Sabrina parents
The couple always thought about the possibility of adoption, besides having biological children. Moacir even had a foster brother, and since his father passed away very early, he has always taken care of his brother as a son. They say that, in the first contact with Sabrina, they felt like it was a meeting of souls. As if they were witnessing a birth. The couple also adopted Ketelyn, who coincidentally was born in the same year that Ester and Moacir began dating.