Información de Contacto

33 rue La Fayette
Paris 75009
Teléfono: +33 1 53 32 57 14

Basic Info

Competencias principales: Todo en uno, Redes Sociales, Marketing Services, Promoción de ventas / Punto de Venta, Marketing directo, Experiential, Branded Content/Entertainment, Investigación de Mercado / Asesoría, Comunicación Corporativa, Eventos / Patrocinio, Visual/Sound Identity, Strategy and Planning

Fundada en: 2015


Empleados: 90

Premios: 116

Creaciones: 249

Clientes: 18


33 rue La Fayette
Paris 75009
Teléfono: +33 1 53 32 57 14

About Romance

Romance is an agency part of the Omnicom group. Romance believes in results driven by creation. We are any new challenge native.


Inglés, Francés
Filosofía y ventajas competitivas


So say those, who don’t believe in magic.
Those who believe in numbers, not ideas.
Those who want the world to be a nice, predictable place.
The cynics, the gurus, the number crunchers, the ROI kings.
We don’t believe them.
We believe in the intangible value of ideas.
We believe in things like serendipity, trial and error and imperfection.
We believe it’s ideas that will make people fall in love with you.
Ideas that make your heart stop, your belly rumble with fear
and the deep, tingling sense of excitement, brought by the New.
You can call us naive, because we have no proof.
But when was the last time you fell in love based on statistics?
Nobody can cheat their way to a heart with numbers.
So here’s to all of you dreamers out there.
The ones tired of cynicism, the ones who want to create
truly meaningful, brave work.
Clients, creatives, accounts, planners.
It’s time to start a new Romance.


Descripción de la red

Romance can mobilize the resources and the expertises of the DDB network (200 offices around the world) but also the Tribal network for digital skills. 

The Creative Industry Network

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