Información de Contacto

C/ Enrique Jardiel Poncela 6
Madrid 28016
Teléfono: 91 436 01 38

Basic Info

Casa Central:


Holding: IPG Group (New York, Estados Unidos)

Premios: 28


C/ Enrique Jardiel Poncela 6
Madrid 28016
Teléfono: 91 436 01 38

About MRM//McCann

At MRM, Relationship is our Middle name. MRM//McCann is a leading customer relationship agency that helps brands foster meaningful relationship with people by leveraging the power of creativity, the beauty of data and the magic of technology. We employ the most innovative talent in the industry. People who have an insatiable dose of curiosity to nurture, encourage and sustain strong relationships between brands and their customers – in turn, creating meaningful experiences while driving business results. 

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