Información de Contacto

1100, René-Lévesque blvd West, 19th floor;Montreal (Quebec) H3B 4N4
Teléfono: 514 935-9445

Basic Info

Fundada en: 1977


Holding: IPG Group (New York, Estados Unidos)

Empleados: 60

McCann Montreal

1100, René-Lévesque blvd West, 19th floor;Montreal (Quebec) H3B 4N4
Teléfono: 514 935-9445

About McCann Montreal

Since 1912, McCann has lived the promise of Truth Well Told – our guiding philosophy that has stood the test of time. And today, as people’s attention becomes increasingly divided, it’s more important and powerful than ever. At McCann Canada, we are all truth hunters. Because from truth, comes meaning. We’re here to help brands play a meaningful role in people’s lives. And while marketing and creativity are all part of the delivery, it’s the fulfillment of this meaningful role that matters most to us.
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