
New York, Estados Unidos

Información de Contacto

New York NY 10001
Estados Unidos
Teléfono: 347-968-1660
Sitio Web:


Quynh Mai

Quynh Mai

Founder & CEO

Basic Info

Competencias principales: Redes Sociales, Experiential, Branded Content/Entertainment, Influence Marketing

Fundada en: 2010

Empleados: 27

Creaciones: 5

Clientes: 7

Competencias principales: Redes Sociales, Experiential, Branded Content/Entertainment, Influence Marketing

Fundada en: 2010

Empleados: 27

Creaciones: 5

Clientes: 7


New York NY 10001
Estados Unidos
Teléfono: 347-968-1660
Sitio Web:
Quynh Mai

Quynh Mai

Founder & CEO

About Qulture

Founded in 2010, our female, minority led and award-winning agency was built for today’s accelerated evolution of culture and technology. Originally known as Moving Image & Content, we decided in July 2022 to evolve and begin a new chapter of our journey as Qulture.

Every company that intends to survive, thrive, and prosper in the years ahead must recognize that every global digital platform has its own distinctive, and rapidly evolving, culture. This evolution of the digitally native Web3 and metaverse is accelerating at a never-before seen fast pace and Qulture sees that trend going parabolic in the near future – in our client’s near future.

Known for being results-oriented, nimble, collaborative and kind, Qulture has become the trusted strategic and marketing partner for iconic brands including Sephora, Kanye West, Prada, H&M, Jaguar, Girls Who Code, and Google. Our leadership team have been featured in TIME, CNBC, Fast Company, Forbes, The Business of Fashion, WWD and more. Our work has been recognized for over six years winning two Clio Awards, two Communicator Awards, a Webby, and the Mashies. 



Filosofía y ventajas competitivas

We create and drive marketing strategies that anticipate trends, lead consumers, and impact culture. At Qulture, “culture” describes the myriad, rapidly evolving, aggregate of sub-cultures that define various niche social media platforms and growing number of metaverses.

The “Q” is a nod to our CEO/Founder Quynh Mai and her ever present focus on quality. Quynh explains, “We have outgrown our original name, which had served us well for a decade. The digital universe is light years ahead of where it was when we started in 2010. We have developed an insightful vision and unrivaled skill set for understanding and anticipating digital culture (which is now mainstream) through various platforms, on behalf of our clients. We want our name to reflect our expertise and vision.” 

Trabajos recientes

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Marca: Bialetti

Categoría: Utensilios domésticos, decoración y jardinería

Marca: Ferrari

Categoría: Automotor

Marca: Girls Who Code

Categoría: Instituciones/Organizaciones no gubernamentales

Marca: H&M

Categoría: Ropa, moda y calzado

Marca: Marc Jacobs Fragrance, Cover Girl, philosophy, Sally Hansen, Rimmel

Categoría: Productos de belleza y perfumes

Marca: Ralph Lauren

Categoría: Productos de belleza y perfumes