TítuloCaught Redhanded :15
Campaña Gifts of Hope
Anunciante Plan International
Marca Plan International Canada
Fecha de primera difusión/publicación 2024 / 11
Sector Empresarial Instituciones/Organizaciones no gubernamentales
Sinopsis As the holiday season approaches, many consumers once again find themselves navigating the pressures of gift-giving, with many experiencing stress about finding the right gift for their loved ones.  In fact, half of Canadians report finding it difficult to buy gifts because they ran out of ideas . 
This year, as Canadians evaluate their gift-giving options, Plan International Canada is offering those who want to give more meaningfully an opportunity to give the gifts that everyone would put on their list – those that help tackle gender inequality and create a more just world.  
In collaboration with creative AOR Lifelong Crush, the humanitarian and global development organization is reimagining holiday “returns” with their new Gifts of Hope campaign - turning the negative concept of gift returns into a positive action that helps solve global challenges and gives children crucial life chances.
The campaign is anchored in the “Caught Red-Handed” spots, including a :30 second TV commercial and :15 digital video, which explores the challenge of getting the ‘right’ gift with a humorous angle – catching a friend in the act of returning an adorable puppy. 
“Through Gifts of Hope we offer very tangible and affordable options for people looking to honour loved ones, friends or colleagues while also giving back in a practical way,” says Meredith Grove, Director of Digital Marketing and Acting Director of One-Time Gifts at Plan International Canada. “We think of the program as a holiday gift solution that you can personalize to anyone on your list. From gifts like school essentials which help equip a girl to learn, to clean water gifts which help free up girls’ time to pursue their education, to gifts that help women start their own businesses in countries around the world, Gifts of Hope are gifts that no one will want to return.” 
“During the holidays, we all want to make others feel special and appreciated, but with gift-giving, sometimes the pressure to ‘get it right’ can feel overwhelming – particularly for close friends and family,” says Derek Blais, Chief Creative Officer at Lifelong Crush. “Gifts of Hope relieves that pressure – because giving a gift that helps educate girls, helps them live more safely and contributes to a more equal world is a gift anyone would love to receive.”
Plan International Canada and Lifelong Crush invite Canadians to cross those ‘hard to give to’ recipients off their list this holiday season by choosing Gifts of Hope and giving the gift of a more equal world to girls. Shop Gifts of Hope at www.plangifts.ca.  
Medio Web Film

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