Información de Contacto

Herengracht 258-266
Amsterdam 1016 BV
Países Bajos
Teléfono: 020 7126 500
Sitio Web:

Jeff Kling

Jeff Kling

Executive Creative Director

Teléfono: +31 20 7126 500

Lee Newman

Lee Newman

Managing Director
Keith White

Keith White


Basic Info

Fundada en: 1982

Empleados: 150

Premios: 287

Creaciones: 1

Clientes: 8

Fundada en: 1982

Empleados: 150

Premios: 287

Creaciones: 1

Clientes: 8

Wieden + Kennedy Amsterdam

Herengracht 258-266
Amsterdam 1016 BV
Países Bajos
Teléfono: 020 7126 500
Sitio Web:
Jeff Kling

Jeff Kling

Executive Creative Director

Teléfono: +31 20 7126 500

Lee Newman

Lee Newman

Managing Director
Keith White

Keith White


About Wieden + Kennedy Amsterdam

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Neerlandés, Inglés, Francés, Alemán, Italiano, Español
Filosofía y ventajas competitivas
W K Amsterdam partners with clients to create global and pan-European brand platforms.

Amsterdam handles the global Coca-Cola business and that of Carlsberg and Wyborowa vodka. Amsterdam and Portland co-lead the global Nike, Procter & Gamble and Electronic Arts businesses.

In the last twelve months W K Amsterdam has won significant new business, including Carlsberg (global brand platform) and Wyborowa Vodka (international brand strategy). Organic growth includes Coke Zero (global brand strategy) and Electronic Arts ?Burnout? (global interactive strategy).

Joint Amsterdam (Broadcast post-production house) was established in 2005 to facilitate both W K Amsterdam clients and direct clients independent of the agency.

Joakim Borgstrom was hired to the new role of Interactive Creative Director in 2006. This enables further development of interactive programmes and fully integrated brand platforms.
Descripción de la red
Founded in Portland, Oregon, Wieden Kennedy is one of the largest independent advertising agencies, with a network of offices in Portland, Amsterdam, New York, Tokyo, London and Shanghai. A full-service, creatively led communications company, Wieden Kennedy has helped build some of the strongest global brands. Our clients around the world include, among others, Nike, Miller, ESPN, Starbucks, Carlsberg, Electronic Arts, Coca-Cola, Honda UK, AIWA, Wales Tourist Board, Sapporo Beer and the Mori Development Company.

Trabajos recientes


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Marca: Classic Coke

Categoría: Bebidas no-alcohólicas

Marca: Coke Football

Categoría: Bebidas no-alcohólicas

Marca: Coke Olympics

Categoría: Bebidas no-alcohólicas

Marca: Coke Zero

Categoría: Bebidas no-alcohólicas

Marca: Individual Brand Campaigns

Categoría: Consolas de videojuegos

Marca: Nike

Categoría: Prendas deportivas

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