Información de Contacto

Pl. de les Glòries Catalanes 37-38 (Disseny Hub Barcelona Building)
Barcelona 08018
Teléfono: +34 93 256 67 65
Sitio Web:

Basic Info

Fundada en: 1990

Empleados: 4

Fundada en: 1990

Empleados: 4

Art Directors Club of Europe

Pl. de les Glòries Catalanes 37-38 (Disseny Hub Barcelona Building)
Barcelona 08018
Teléfono: +34 93 256 67 65
Sitio Web:

901‌ ‌creative‌ ‌works‌ ‌from‌ ‌24‌ ‌European‌ ‌countries‌ ‌ will‌ ‌be‌ ‌judged‌ ‌at‌ ‌the‌ ‌30th‌ ‌ADCE‌ ‌Awards‌

  • The 30th edition of the ADCE Awards is taking place online. The juries are meeting from November 19th to 24th to debate the best creative work from across Europe

  • 13 young creatives from 7 countries will take part as junior jurors thanks to the Greatness Challenge 2021 ADCE programme

  • Winners will be announced on Thursday, December 2nd during the ADCE Festival, streamed online


The 30th edition of the ADCE Best of European Design and Advertising Awards is taking place online with the participation of 901 creative works from 24 European countries. ADCE calls for the celebration of the best European works over the year and maintains the yearly legacy it started in 1990.

Six international top professionals are the 2021 Jury Presidents, under the leadership of Alexander Schill, Global Chief Creative Officer of Serviceplan Group and ADCE President. They are: 


  • Film & Audio: Erno Reinikainen, Executive Creative Director and Partner of TBWA\Helsinki (Finland).

  • Print & Outdoor Tereza Svěráková, Founder of OAK (Czech Republic).

  • Interactive & Mobile: Domenico Manno, Executive Creative Director of Caffeina (Italy).

  • Design: Martynas Birškys, Founder and Creative Director of DADADA Studio (Lithuania).

  • Brand Experience: Eva Oberdorfer, CEO and Creative Director of We Make Stories (Austria).

  • Integrated & Innovation: Bruna Gonzalez, Independent Creative Director (Portugal).


In total, 53 leading creatives have been selected from 19 European countries to judge. The juries will meet online from November 19th to the 24th to debate the best creative work from across Europe, before awarding Gold, Silver, and Bronze across each category, as well as the overall Grand Prix, the European Star-Johannes Newrkla Award, the Genius Loci and the new Green Star, to be revealed on Thursday, December 2nd, in an online ceremony during the ADCE Festival.


Greatness Challenge 2021

The Greatness Challenge is an amazing opportunity for young professional creatives to sit in as part of the international jury of the prestigious ADCE Awards. This unique experience allows junior jurors to be privy to the evaluation criteria and processes undertaken by senior jury members. The creatives are selected locally and must meet a series of requirements to participate. The 13 young professionals selected this 2021 are:

  • Davide Schenker, Art Director, Wunderman Thompson, Switzerland

  • Yannick Lippuner, Copywriter, Inhalt und Form Werbeagentur, Switzerland

  • Eva Abdulina, Graphic Designer, Overpriced, Latvia

  • Megija Jurevica, Design, Nord ID Riga, Latvia

  • Xavier Lopes, Creative Copywriter & UX Writer, everis NTT DATA, Portugal

  • Gonçalo Cimadeira Soares, Art Director, everis NTT DATA, Portugal

  • Ana Doga, Junior Art Director, Grabarz & Partner, Germany

  • Luca Weber, Graphic Designer, Grabarz & Partner, Germany

  • Mireia Pascual, Art Director, The Kennedys Amsterdam, (Spain)

  • Gisela Castañé, Art Director, La Despensa, Spain

  • Irene López, Copywriter, La Despensa, Spain

  • Ludovica Piro, Junior Copywriter, TBWA\Italia, Italy

  • Yara Saad, Junior Art Director, TBWA\Italia, Italy


Each year the ADCE proposes a “creative challenge” and its successful completion, ensures each young professional a seat in the jury. For 2021, the challenge for the young creatives is related with the new Green Star Award. They have to represent in a creative way on a video format, how do they tackle the climate crisis in their daily life as a creative.