An extremely diverse group of both consumer and business-to-business clients. From traditional package goods marketers to high tech companies, from automotive to QSR brands. From non-profit asociations to professional service firms. Bob Wolf Partners/TPG has served almost every major industry advising clients with annual marketing budgets of $10 million to $1 billion. Recent clients have included Hilton, ADT Security, Boeing, Capital One, AIG, American Express, Payless Shoes, Alouette Cheese USA, Bacardi, E-Tradee, New York Times, Kia Motors, American Chemistry Council, General Motors, Jenny Craig,, Financial Times, Pfizer, Seagram, Southeast Toyota Distributors, Subway, Roche, Thrifty-Rent-A-Car, TicketMaster, Zurich, Ernst & Young and numerous others.
The firm offers two broad areas of service to advertisers. First, Bob Wolf Partners/TPG offers counsel on agency screening and review, global and regional agency consolidation, media management evaluation, compensation analysis and structuring. Second, the firm provides in-depth strategic counsel to advertisers seeking to improve advertising effectiveness and to build/enhance brand image. Occasionally, one partner or another is called upon to act as interim CMO for a given client. While we have advised on in-house agency formation, AOR vs. supplemental agency models, crisis management, CSR/Purpose matters and more...our objective is to create a "win-win"between Client and agency. Our collective insight and perspective is second to none.
We believe that a strong relationship between client and agency is one of the best ways to leverage the marketing budget. We proactively and confidentially assist advertisers address client-agency relationship issues by providing a comprehensive scope of professional consultancy services. Clients consistently tell us that our insights and perspective add considerable value at every step along the way, and that our win-win philosophy has helped them achieve better advertising results.
Bob Wolf Partners/TPG has a joint venture with of Joanne Davis Consulting in New York. With offices in Los Angeles, New York and a relationship with SCAN International, the firm has a global network capacity to assist even the largest of worldwide clients who may have national, regional and local needs worldwide.
Founded in 1996, Bob Wolf Partners/TPG provides high level, strategic counsel to advertisers. The Partners have over 50 years of top management marketing, advertising, business and consulting experience. They have been successful agency leaders, clients and consultants and bring that 360-degree perspective to their clients. They have worked well with marketing management as well as procurement management at many Fortune 500 companies. ANA has asked the Partners to lead workshops for its client members on "Optimizing Client-Agency Relationships."
With its Partners having worked at the C-level of agencies, clients and consulting firms, Bob Wolf Partners/TPG is a high level, full-service firm with an insider's knowledge of the advertising industry and its players. The partners have collectively over five decades of client and agency senior management experience, have built and run some of the best recognized agencies, have supervised some of the largest and most sophisticated accounts in the U.S., managed media for the toughest clients and directed global advertising and media from the client side. We offer invaluable insight for advertisers to assess current and prospective client-agency relationships. Importantly, they have an insider's knowledge of how agencies work...creative, digital, social, PR, experiential, sponsorship/event marketing, shopper and more.