TítuloFollow the Sunset
Campaña Follow the Sunset
Anunciante Wieden + Kennedy
Marca Corona

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Medio Televisión y Cine
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Production Service Company
Productora S...k F...s Sólo para suscriptores
Advertising Agency W...en . K....dy Sólo para suscriptores
Realizador D....as Be....dt Sólo para suscriptores
Cinematografia A....ho V...so Sólo para suscriptores
Productor delegado M..k H..l Sólo para suscriptores

Acerca de LCA Productions

LCA PRODUCTIONS – Top-level production service company in Costa Rica, Panama & NicaraguaSince 1992, LCA Productions has produced close to 500 commercials and supported roughly 100 production services. We’ve established an international reputation for delivering the best service, that works around the clock with precision and punctuality, maximizing resources to support efficiency of your budget.We are a Latin American top tier production house that provides high-end production services and support for commercials, documentaries, photo shoots, videos and feature films. We also offer logistics, location scouting and equipment rental throughout Costa Rica, Panama and Nicaragua. 

Latest News

Live in Cannes. Gustavo Paris (LCA Productions)

See the full interview here http://www.adforum.com/production/6677692/interviews/34527524/gustavo-paris-cannes-lions-2016/ 

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