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Fecha de primera difusión/publicación Sólo para suscriptores
Sector EmpresarialSólo para suscriptores
SinopsisSólo para suscriptores
Medio Redes Sociales
Responsable de la creación B...n M...ay Sólo para suscriptores
Responsable de la creación J...y G...er Sólo para suscriptores
Director creativo M....el S....rs Sólo para suscriptores
Director artístico M....el S....rs Sólo para suscriptores
Director creativo J...h F...n Sólo para suscriptores
Responsable de conceptos / redactor J...h F...n Sólo para suscriptores
Director artístico T...os N..s Sólo para suscriptores
Chief Design Officer St.....ie Y..g Sólo para suscriptores
Director de publicidad A...an F...o Sólo para suscriptores
Director de publicidad A...r W....rs Sólo para suscriptores
Director de publicidad A..m Wi.....son Sólo para suscriptores
Director de publicidad R....nd ..k Sólo para suscriptores
Responsable de cuentas de agencia A..x B...be Sólo para suscriptores
Responsable de cuentas de agencia ..y N...en Sólo para suscriptores
Chief Strategy Officer H....er S...l Sólo para suscriptores
Group Strategy Director C....on F....ng Sólo para suscriptores
Productor B..a Ma....ri Sólo para suscriptores
Media Agency M...a E....ts Sólo para suscriptores
PR Agency s..R Sólo para suscriptores
Post Z....ot Sólo para suscriptores
Productora Z....ot Sólo para suscriptores
Productor ejecutivo A..m P...er Sólo para suscriptores
Postproducción ..y G...l Sólo para suscriptores
Online Artist F...pe Ch....ro Sólo para suscriptores
Audio N..h M...eh Sólo para suscriptores
Studio Manager H...y E....io Sólo para suscriptores
Studio Manager S...ra N..o Sólo para suscriptores
Artista de producción J..n Ro.....es Sólo para suscriptores
Responsable de conceptos / redactor S...by H...er Sólo para suscriptores
Diseñador M...n M...ee Sólo para suscriptores
Senior Producer T...sa B...ey Sólo para suscriptores
Media Team S...h C...ch Sólo para suscriptores
Media Team L..a Po......ova Sólo para suscriptores
Media Team F...al N...m Sólo para suscriptores
Media Team L..y L....ra Sólo para suscriptores
Media Team B...e Go....ng Sólo para suscriptores
Media Team Y....da .u Sólo para suscriptores
Montador C....ia Be....ch Sólo para suscriptores
Lead Production Artist As....gh O....rien Sólo para suscriptores
Language Supervisor ..e F...ch S..p Sólo para suscriptores

Acerca de Zulu Alpha Kilo

Trade publications have written that Zulu Alpha Kilo (Z.A.K. for short) stands out as a ‘maverick global indie agency’ within the fiercely competitive advertising industry dominated by global holding companies. Launched in 2008, we’re proud that our shop has built a reputation over the years as an industry outlier and one of the most respected independent agencies in the world.
In 2016, Ad Age named us Small Agency of the Year and in 2017, 2021 and 2022, International Small Agency of the Year. We were featured as one of Forbes Top 100 Innovators of 2018, The Drum’s Agency of the Year 2021, and Campaign US 2021 Independent Agency of the Year. For three years running, Fast Company has recognized our work in their World Changing Ideas issue. In 2022, we were listed among the top ten independent agencies in the world in Cannes, One Show and D&AD, based on a body of effective, breakthrough work.
We were founded on the belief that the world needs more creativity. It’s what drives all our decision-making. There is just so much ineffective, badly crafted work in the world that never gets noticed, has zero impact and is a waste of client budgets. We are here to change all that.
When you truly embrace creativity as a competitive advantage, you will see it transform your world and your business. We’ve witnessed this over and over with our own clients.
And, as a purpose-driven company, we also use our creativity to do good in the world by supporting causes we truly believe in.
With 180 staff in New York, Toronto, and Vancouver, Z.A.K. is a magnet for top global talent. Want to change your world as a marketer? Let’s fight sameness together. 

Latest News

Pizza Pizza unites left and right wings in one Bipartisan box.


With politics heating up and the world growing increasingly polarized, Pizza Pizza is bringing Canadians together with a new offering that bridges the gap between opposing sides: Bipartisan Wings. This new campaign aims to unite Canadians by bringing Left and Right chicken wings together in one box.

The campaign kicks off with a series of separate Left and Right Wings attack spots, all leading up to the big reveal of Bipartisan Wings, finally bringing harmony to the table. Building on Pizza Pizza's "Everyone Deserves Pizza" platform, this campaign signs off with "Everyone Deserves Wings," reminding Canadians once again that there’s room for everyone at Pizza Pizza. To keep the theme going, the website features Bipartisan Wings alongside its "platform promises," advocating for equal wing representation and fuller stomachs for all. Overall, the campaign proves that no matter which box we put ourselves in, just like Left and Right chicken wings, we might have more in common than we think.

"Pizza Pizza believes in bringing Canadians together," says Adrian Fuoco, Chief Marketing Officer, Pizza Pizza. "That's why we launched the Bipartisan Wings campaign - to show that no matter which side of the chicken one might prefer, we're bringing both sides to the table."

"As an agency, it’s exciting working with brave clients. We all knew that it might upset some people when we decided to put left and right wings in the same box. But Pizza Pizza stands behind its principles and is willing to take that risk," says Brian Murray, Chief Creative Officer, Zulu Alpha Kilo.

Now, Canadian wing-lovers can savour the ultimate taste of unity by ordering Bipartisan Wings in-store or online at www.pizzapizza.ca.

The Bipartisan Wings campaign was created in partnership with Zulu Alpha Kilo and is being launched in a national campaign across Canada. Paid media is planned by Media Experts, including TV, OLV, social ads, display, SEM and OOH, while PR is managed by spPR. 

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