TítuloSmall Prices, Big Impact (Board)
BriefIdea: PRICE PACKS is the first brand that’s all about the price. Because the packaging design focuses entirely on the price. Considering the usual packaging production requires several months, this becomes an irrevocable commitment to price stability. Placed next to competitors, the design helps consumers immediately spot the best prices. PRICE PACKS are available in all 2100 Penny markets in Germany, promoted by an OOH campaign as striking as the packaging.Results: Products flew off the shelves in record time, with some temporarily selling out during launch week. On traditional and social media, the campaign received raving reviews, earning $120 million in free media. Public perception of Penny as the #1 price-stable discounter went up by 2200%. PRICE PACKS has now expanded to more products and turned from a temporary edition into a permanent brand.Brand relevance: For PENNY, this was the perfect opportunity to make a statement. This serves as an unwavering commitment to low prices in a way that not only reassures customers but also sets PENNY apart from its competitors.
Campaña Price Packs
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Medio Case Study
Productora B....CH E...pe G..H . ... .G Sólo para suscriptores
Media Agency PI....RS G..H Sólo para suscriptores
Director de publicidad ..n Fl....ng Sólo para suscriptores
Director de publicidad W...er He......ack Sólo para suscriptores
Director de publicidad M...el O...n Sólo para suscriptores
Director de publicidad O...er S....rz Sólo para suscriptores
Director de publicidad S...an G....ens Sólo para suscriptores

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