Campaña Spider - Mentos
Anunciante Perfetti Van Melle
Marca Mentos
Fecha de primera difusión/publicación 2010 / 7
Sector Empresarial Golosinas y turrones
Lema It's better to know what's coming next
Sinopsis In 'Spider' we see an ordinary couple snuggling up on a sofa, listening to some chilled music. Quite quickly the girl spots a spider on the floor and screams. Our guys, gets up to rescue the spider, but as he approaches it, rather than picking it up, the Spider throws him all around the room. Cut to the endframe, clearly demonstrating the sweets on the inside matching the colour on the wrapper.
Problema Mentos Rainbow is a new product launching in many of Perfetti's markets into the their candy range of fruit flavoured sweets. Mentos Rainbow is a roll of 14 sweets with seven different flavours in each pack.

Not that different, you say? Well, the cool thing about it is that the colour, flavour and order of the sweets on the inside match the colour on the outside wrapper.

Our task: to create a launch TV ad. Running with the thought that "it's better to know what's coming next", the creative team came up with the idea of 'Spider'.
Medio Televisión
Mercado Filipinas, Tailandia, Nueva Zelanda
Director de publicidad
Miembro del equipo creativo
Miembro del equipo creativo
Director creativo
Director creativo
Director creativo
Director creativo
Productor de la agencia
Director de fotografía
Planificador de cuentas
Responsable de cuentas de agencia

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