TítuloThe World's Strongest Women
BriefThe film focuses on four women who showcase real strength in the face of domestic abuse. The story places the women in a space synonymous with strength - the sports world. We see them squat, lift and stretch in determination before giving a snapshot into their reality. Here we reveal that each manoeuvre is a survival tactic. A wall squat against the door to keep an abuser out. A stretch to hide money in a financially abusive relationship. The idea is to show that these Women are the strongest women in the world. And help them find the courage to seek help from Women's Aid.
Campaña The World's Strongest Women
Anunciante Allianz Insurance
Marca Women's Aid
PostedDiciembre 2021
Sector Empresarial Acciones Caritativas, fundaciones, voluntariado
Sinopsis One in four women in Ireland who have been in a relationship have experienced domestic abuse. To help raise awareness of this issue, Allianz Ireland has launched a campaign as part of a new three year partnership with Women’s Aid, a national charity dedicated to making women safe from domestic abuse.

Nothing will ever match the courage and resilience of women living with domestic abuse, and the journey they’ve been on. Walking on eggshells every day, trying to keep themselves and their children safe. In reality, they’re jaw-droppingly brave. They’re resilient, resourceful and powerful. In fact, they are ‘The World's Strongest Women’.
Medio Televisión y Cine
Director ejecutivo de creación
Responsable de conceptos / redactor
Director artístico
Director de fotografía

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