Kim Boisen
Board Member at Robert/Boisen & Like-minded
Copenhagen, Dinamarca
TítuloAre you pushing the sausage?
Brief9 out of 10 young people between the age of 20 to 25 have been pressured into drinking more than they wanted to by their friends. The campaign wanted to give young people a weapon in the fight against the peer pressure - without seeming too moralizing or as just another wagging finger from the grown ups.The solution became the campaign ’Are you pushing the sausage?’ – The first alcohol awareness campaign that doesn’t feature a single drop of alcohol. To open the eyes of the young people, every alcoholic substance - beer as well as shots - were swapped with sausages in all shapes and forms to highlight the absurdity of the Danish drinking culture.
Campaña Are you pushing the sausage?
Anunciante The Danish Cancer Society & Trygfonden
Marca Trygfonden Anti Alcohol Awareness

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PostedDiciembre 2020
Sector EmpresarialSólo para suscriptores
SinopsisSólo para suscriptores
ProblemaSólo para suscriptores
Medio Interactivo
Production Agency Pr......ons Sólo para suscriptores
Strategist ..m B...en Sólo para suscriptores
Lead Creative Fr....ik Vo....nn Sólo para suscriptores
Lead Creative Sólo para suscriptores
Miembro del equipo creativo P...ip B..k Sólo para suscriptores
Miembro del equipo creativo T...s Ki.....ft Sólo para suscriptores
Social Media Team F..ø F..ø Sólo para suscriptores
Social Media Team V...or P...i Sólo para suscriptores
Director creativo R..é S..n Kam......ard Sólo para suscriptores
Director de cuentas G...e An....en Sólo para suscriptores
Productor ejecutivo Er....oe Sólo para suscriptores
Realizador N....aj ..e K..s Sólo para suscriptores
Director de fotografía Sólo para suscriptores
Montador N....aj M....rg Sólo para suscriptores
Montador Th.....�rn M...ter Sólo para suscriptores
Editorial Company / VFX Company P..t Sólo para suscriptores
Audio Engineer / Sound Designer B...rn V..ø Sólo para suscriptores


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