Dörte is one of Germany’s most highly awarded creative directors. After studying Visual Communications, she started her career as an art director before switching to copywriting. Just three years later, she had already become a CD at Jung von Matt. In 2001 she – along with two partners – set up Jung von Matt/Spree in Berlin, and then went on to found Jung von Matt/Fleet, which boasted Zalando, Sixt, Mercedes-Benz and Der Spiegel among other clients. By 2013, she and her partners were running Jung von Matt/SAGA, handling new clients such as NIVEA, OBI DIY, MAN, Techniker Krankenkasse, EIS.de, and Jim Beam. Dörte is a member of the ADC Germany, board member of both the ADC Festival and the Congress Hamburg. She has sat on the juries at the top international festivals in the communication sector.
Born 1971 in Zurich, Doerte startet her career as a Junior Artdirector. After two years she changed into being a copywriter at KNSK/BBDO. In 1996 she became Creative Director at Jung von Matt, 2000 she opened up the Jung von Matt Spinoff „Spree“ in Berlin. In 2002 she returned to Jung von Matt/Hamburg where she startet a new agency concept named JvM/9 which worked with international teams on creative excellence projects and New business for the Jung von Matt Agency group. 2009 she opened up Jung von Matt/Fleet, a Jung von Matt Agency withe the focus on highly cretaive worl for clients like Sixt, Zalando, WWF, Mercdes Benz, DER SPIEGEL and many more. Besides Dörte is member of the board of the German Art Directors Club and responsible for Seminars, the Congress ADC BIC and Young Creatives Programms.
Doerte is one of the most decorated creatives with national and international awards including ADC, Clio, Epica, The New York Festival, Canneslions Festival etc.
Doerte was member of many national and international juries, such as Eurobest(jury-president), EuroADC, Cannes Film Jury, Clio, LIAA etc.
Specialties: Host of ADC BIC Congress "Leading brands in digital times".