Steve Harding

Steve Harding

Global Chief Executive Officer at Geometry Global - Chicago
New York, Estados Unidos


Steve Harding is Global Chief Executive Officer and is based in New York. He is responsible for leading the development and execution of Geometry Global's long-term corporate strategy across our network. Previously, Steve was Global Chief Executive Officer of OgilvyAction and ran their European operations.


Global Chief Executive Officer
Chicago, Estados Unidos
Global Chief Executive Officer
London, Reino Unido
Steve Harding is Global Chief Executive Officer and is based in New York. He is responsible for leading the development and execution of Geometry Global's long-term corporate strategy across our network. Previously, Steve was Global Chief Executive Officer of OgilvyAction and ran their European operations. 
Global Chief Executive Officer
New York, Estados Unidos
Media: Director - Engagement
Atlanta, Estados Unidos


ACT Responsible, Chalais

ACT'ive Agency Member
June 2014 - June 2016 (2 años)

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