In 2003, I got my first connection to the internet. It was really awesome, even in 56k :)
Quickly I started creating some websites and, well, in the beginning, it was not so great. (Do you know frontpage? )
By 2006 I already knew a little bit of PHP and I was making a few websites. Among these, I did my first complete web app for customer management and vaccine management for a veterinary practice. At this moment I was only 15.
In 2013, I finally decided to make a job out of my hobby. So, I started studying by myself and in December 2013 I became a freelancer.
In March 2014, the company Youonweb hired me and I'm there since then.
On the side, I keep a technical blog (in french) whith what I do at
In July 2016, I started a new challenge at Famous.