Yoshimitsu Sawamoto
Executive Creative Director at Dentsu Inc.
Tokyo, Japón
TítuloThe Mass-Media Brothers
BriefThe spot was was made to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Shizuoka Shimbun newspaper, and the 65th of the Shizuoka Broadcasting System. On the beach, the elderly Mass Media Brothers - newspaper and television - decide to go back to the gym when they fail to engage the attention of two internet-generation girls. After a lot of hard work, they're invited back to to the table. The message "Surpass Yourself" suggests that no matter how old they become, these media can adapt and evolve.
Campaña The Mass-Media Brothers
Anunciante The Shizuoka Shimbun and Shizuoka Broadcasting System
Marca Shizuoka Shimbun & Shizuoka Broadcasting System

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PostedNoviembre 2017
Sector EmpresarialSólo para suscriptores
SinopsisSólo para suscriptores
ProblemaSólo para suscriptores
Medio Televisión
Director creativo Yo.....tsu Sa....to Sólo para suscriptores
Responsable de conceptos / redactor Hi....zu U..a Sólo para suscriptores
Director artístico A...a K...ta Sólo para suscriptores

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