Kristen  Kelly

Kristen Kelly

Global Head of Media, Managing Director at Accenture Song
Reino Unido


Agile and driven portfolio C-Suite executive with extensive experience across large multi-national companies, organizational design and stakeholder management, full stack marketing client-service, with recent professional focus on ad tech/martech, consulting and data driven marketing.

A proven record of success across organizational transformation and reorgs, P&L management and profitability/growth, and global product and service GTM strategy and roll-out. Significant expertise across fast-paced, digital first and high growth clients across all global regions. Completed a dual MBA degree at Columbia University and London Business School focused on Strategy, M&A, Corporate Finance, Marketing, Operations and Organizational Design and Entrepreneurship


Global Head of Media
London, Reino Unido
Agile and driven portfolio C-Suite executive with extensive experience across large multi-national companies, organizational design and stakeholder management, full stack marketing client-service, with recent professional focus on ad tech/martech, consulting and data driven marketing.
A proven record of success across organizational transformation and reorgs, P&L management and profitability/growth, and global product and service GTM strategy and roll-out. Significant expertise across fast-paced, digital first and high growth clients across all global regions. Completed a dual MBA degree at Columbia University and London Business School focused on Strategy, M&A, Corporate Finance, Marketing, Operations and Organizational Design and Entrepreneurship 

Talentos Similares

Mish Fletcher
Managing Director, Global Head of Marketing
Accenture Interactive
Shruti Tiwari
Managing Director, North America, Head of Performance & Media
Lisa Thomas
Global Head of Brand & Managing Director Virgin Enterprises Limited
Ben Downing
Global Managing Director, Ethical Media and Strategic Partnerships
Havas Media Group
Ross Sergeant
Global Head of Media and Touchpoints
Asahi International
Robin Grant
Global Managing Director
We Are Social
Eric Zuncic
Global Managing Director
Forsman & Bodenfors
Jon Wilkins
Global Managing Director

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