A Wish for Why When Using AI

Frank Chang of RAPP explains the need for the “why” behind using AI


RAPP Worldwide
Marketing Services
New York, Estados Unidos
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Frank Chang
VP, Group Creative Director RAPP

Three human takeaways from leveraging AI in video production.

What is the role of people in the age of AI? It’s a question we wanted to explore in RAPP’s annual holiday greeting. As an agency focused on Precision and Empathy, who celebrates being Fiercely Individual, does utilizing AI run the risk of us losing our humanity? 

Spoiler alert: the answer is a resounding, no, no, no. 

Yes, AI enabled tools are immensely powerful, and sometimes frighteningly good. Like really, really good. But like all tools that have entered the advertising industry, you need smart, talented, creative people to get the most out of them. So, through a bit of trial and error, constantly asking, “Can we…?”, and a lot of laughs, here are three takeaways from our video production journey with AI: 

Setting the pace is still human.

You know what I’m talking about — when the cut just feels right. In your gut. Not an AI algorithm. For our video, finding the right beats to hit the comedy (or chaos) was something AI just couldn’t quite land…yet. So, get your cut right before tapping into AI.

AI gonna do what AI gonna do.

Me: That animation would be perfect if we could just get the fox's mouth to move a little slower. AI can you slow it down?

AI: Yes, I’ll be glad to move the fox’s lips inside his scarf.

Me: Wait, what?

The only thing predictable about generative AI is that its response is going to be unpredictable. Either build in plenty of time for fighting AI stubbornness, or adopt a compromise mindset when it comes to some details of your creative.

Start with your “Why” and never lose sight of it.

This is the big one. The possibilities of AI are mind-boggling. If you can prompt it, you can do it. But as a wise uncle once said, “With great power comes great responsibility”. Videos are still about telling stories. Your story. Not the story AI may try to lure you into. Define your “Why” and check back in on it through the process to ensure your audience isn’t lost thinking, “What”?

Ready to dabble in AI? My advice? Be brave. Dive in. And keep your eye on your “Why”.
