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Creaciones: 1

Creaciones: 1

Toppen | Animation Studio

Teléfono: +40 765 647 950
Sitio Web:

The Fox Chef Show, new short animation

In our new project called The Fox Chef Show is presented a short video in which all the action takes place in a culinary show, having as the main character our awesome Fox, which was designed and created entirely by our talented team.

This short animation debuts with the character created by our team, respectively Fox Chef, being the special guest in a culinary show. He will present the cooking stept of an omelet, where he is combining various ingredients and showing his skills and exuberant energy.

The culmination of the movie occurs when the special guest is bothered by the cameraman camcorder and prefers to act in addition before the person behind the camera can aticipate. The Fox thinks that the right solution in solving the problem is throwing the omelette that was cooking directly on the camera and this way spicing that specific moment and the whole show.In this mixture like comedy, rhythm of action satisfies perfect the public eye and highlights the impulsiveness as an aspect that is found in our daily life, where we prefer to act before analyze the situation.