Top Interviews From The Advertising Industry

The best place to meet and learn from the most creative people in advertising.
The advertising industry's most influential creatives, agency executives, and clients discuss business, inspiration, and their personal journeys in advertising.

Featured Interviews

Headline Makers

Winning awards can boost careers, but it isn’t usually the function of the Epica Awards to be a job dating agency. That can sometimes happen,...  leer más


Partnerships are all about learning each other’s strengths and weaknesses and knowing how to work off them.   leer más

Point of View

I do like to describe it as my most successful relationship - something my fiancé hates.  leer más


The hardest part of creative process is explaining what’s in your head and making sure it appears the same way in someone else’s.  leer más


Our dream is to have portfolios filled with examples of how we took a struggling, poorly branded and poorly differentiated brand in a tough...  leer más


Different points of view can co-exist without harsh feelings. When you feel someone puts a lot of heart in it, let them prove you wrong and create...  leer más


We’ve spent more time working together on Teams than we ever spent working together in the office.   leer más


We’re even stronger creatives from when we first met, so joining forces again makes us feel pretty unstoppable.  leer más


Like any relationship, communication is queen. And you need to want to make it work. There are plenty of different people out there and if a team...  leer más


Honestly, Nick and I work really well together. If there’s a disagreement on creative, we usually talk it out.  leer más