PostedNoviembre 2016
Sinopsis Campaign name: Please, it's on me!
Campaign background
Our main issue is that online users are not aware enough of how harmful ad blockers really are. There is no such thing as free content. If you access premium content, the price is paid from the subscription value or item price. If you access so called ”free content”, you will, on the other hand, have to watch some ads in return, in order to help the content creator provide it to you without paying actual money.
With their behavior towards online advertising, they are shutting off their very own benefactor by losing any interaction with brands.
Taking all these facts into consideration, we are proposing a campaign that will not get our target angry more since this is the main reason for using ad blockers: the constant invasive and annoyingadvertising methods.
Our main aim is to create buzz in the online environment and so to reach the target by using a natural and organic approach. Consequently, they will both understand and take measures regarding their behavior towards online advertising and its importance.
The campaign could, of course, be affected by the ad blockers software developers and owners whomost probably won’t agree with it. They have the possibility to also create a pro ad blockers campaign or try to diminish the effects of our campaign.