Campaña Baby&Me
Anunciante Danone
Marca Evian
Fecha de primera difusión/publicación 2013 / 5
Sector Empresarial Aguas minerales y con gas
Sinopsis SUMMARY:
In a trivialized and price-driven market, with consumers reluctant to spend money on bottled water, evian faced fierce competition in a category where price promotion had become a key driver. 
evian needed to justify its premium price by building brand value and preference. This campaign set out to reconnect the brand with the deep meaning of the benefit of youth, to create an event around the brand and stand out despite a very limited budget, and to generate additional volume sales
evian Baby&Me helped everyone reconnect to their inner baby, using a playful digital application to let consumers live the experience, an entertaining film where adults met their reflections as babies, Out-of-Home to add to the universality of the youth benefit and street events.
The campaign maximised earned media, reinforced the brand’s characteristics of youth, closeness and price justification and generated additional volume sales. 24 million babies were generated on the App, which became the most downloaded App on the Apple store in the entertainment category for 2 weeks.
Most importantly, sales volume and value increased in all target markets, especially in the UK, where average weekly sales grew 30% immediately after the ad launched.
Sinopsis (Lengua original) Une campagne événementielle mettra en scène cette rencontre en affichage. En France, à partir du 15 mai, certains quais de métro seront envahis par 10 portraits de personnages de tous genres et de tous âges, découvrant avec étonnement leur « baby-me3 » de l’autre côté du quai, dans un effet miroir. Parmi eux, deux visages connus : la championne de tennis Maria Sharapova et la talentueuse golfeuse Melissa Reid.
Filosofía La marque evian souhaite une fois encore offrir à son public un spectacle étonnant et jubilatoire. 
Medio Exterior
Mercado Canadá, Estados Unidos, Emiratos Árabes Unidos, China, Japón, Taiwán, Singapur, Rusia, Ucrania, Bélgica, Francia, Alemania, Suiza, Reino Unido
Director de publicidad
Director de publicidad
Responsable de cuentas de agencia
Responsable de cuentas de agencia
Responsable de cuentas de agencia
Responsable de cuentas de agencia
Responsable de cuentas de agencia
Director ejecutivo de creación
Director artístico
Director artístico adjunto
Responsable de conceptos / redactor
Media Agency Havas Media Network
Director de publicidad
Traffic Director
Media Strategy Director
Director de publicidad
Director de publicidad
Director de publicidad
Comprador de arte
Print Producer
Print Producer
Print Producer

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