Información de Contacto

36 Grivas Dighenis Ave. PO Box 21674
Nicosia 1512
Teléfono: 357-22-660-300

Basic Info

Fundada en: 1985

Casa Central:


Holding: IPG Group (New York, Estados Unidos)


36 Grivas Dighenis Ave. PO Box 21674
Nicosia 1512
Teléfono: 357-22-660-300

About DELEMA McCann

DeLeMa MCCANN CYPRUS, founded in 1985, is the largest communications agency in Cyprus, offering 360º integrated communication services.

Our priority lies with the development of the “idea”. The one idea that will lead to effectiveness. Through efficient strategy development, inspired creative and outstanding media planning in traditional and non-traditional media. Without the limits of the past for “above” or “below” the line categorizations, we implement “through-the-line” campaigns that engage the target and bring the desired results.

Filosofía y ventajas competitivas
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Descripción de la red

DeLeMa /MCCANN CYPRUS is affiliated with MCCANN Worldgroup, the largest communications agency network in the world, with operations in over 110 countries. McCann Erickson is recognized as the world leader in “Creating Demand”. 

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