Información de Contacto

3 Columbus Circle Floor 18
New York New York 10019
Estados Unidos
Teléfono: 212.414.8294

Basic Info

Competencias principales: Todo en uno, Digital, Móvil, Packaging / Diseño

Fundada en: 2005

Casa Central:


Holding: WPP (London, Reino Unido)

Empleados: 40

Premios: 21

Clientes: 9

TAXI New York

3 Columbus Circle Floor 18
New York New York 10019
Estados Unidos
Teléfono: 212.414.8294

Durk Barnhill

General Manager

Teléfono: 212-414-8294

Jane Hope

EVP, Design Executive Creative Director

Teléfono: 212 414-8294

Doug Jaeger

Innovation Director

Caroline Krediet

Strategic Planning Director

Paul Lavoie


Jason McCann

Creative Director, Interactive

Daniel Rabinowicz


Teléfono: 917-237-8715

Ron Smrczek

Executive Creative Director

About TAXI New York

TAXI uses an Integrated approach to build powerful brands. We believe driving business starts with a powerful message, mapped to the right medium, delivered in the right context with the proper content. We tell compelling stories designed to evolve and fit perfectly into any media venue, and we have a portfolio of work to prove it.

TAXI brings together bright people who deliver bold ideas by integrating strategic and creative disciplines. We rely on open communication and collaboration to understand our clients’ goals, connect with their customers, and deliver a lasting business impact.

Welcome to TAXI. We hope you enjoy the ride. 


Filosofía y ventajas competitivas

Doubt the conventional. Create the exceptional.

It's a simple directive, and it drives everything we do. We don't look for the usual route, we look for the smartest. This begins and ends with great people. Our belief is that a culture that attracts open minds, challenges them to challenge each other, and rewards brave thinking produces exceptional results. Consistently great work is created when you love what you do, where you do it and who you do it with. So we feed each other by celebrating individuality, respecting and considering conflicting opinions, and always providing the chance for any idea - no matter how big, small, different, or odd-sounding it might be - to have its time to breathe.

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