Información de Contacto

35 West Wacker
Chicago Illinois 60601
Estados Unidos
Teléfono: 312.220.5959

Basic Info

Competencias principales: Todo en uno, Digital, Móvil, Redes Sociales, SEO, Marketing Services, Promoción de ventas / Punto de Venta, Marketing directo, Experiential, Investigación de Mercado / Asesoría, Relaciones Públicas, Comunicación Corporativa, Contratación / Motivación, Eventos / Patrocinio, Marcas / Desarrollo del producto, Packaging / Diseño, Branding/Celebrity endorsement, Editorial / Impresión / Publicación Personalizada, Strategy and Planning, Sanidad, Finanzas, Multicultural

Fundada en: 1935


Empleados: 1567

Premios: 1122

Creaciones: 36

Clientes: 21

Leo Burnett Chicago

35 West Wacker
Chicago Illinois 60601
Estados Unidos
Teléfono: 312.220.5959
Katie  Newman

Katie Newman

Chief Marketing Officer

About Leo Burnett Chicago

In 1935, Leo Burnett opened the doors to his agency with the belief that “what helps people helps business.”

People—their wants, needs, motivations and dreams—remain at the center of everything we do today. And thanks to data and technology, it’s possible to understand what matters to people better than ever before. By combining real-time human insights with the power of creativity, Leo Burnett creates solutions that help people and business alike. 

Filosofía y ventajas competitivas

We make solutions—not just ads.

We built solutions that meet the needs of people—not just the media plan. Our capabilities cross experiences, content, services, products, technology and, yes, advertising. 

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