TítuloThe Issue Within The Issue
Campaña The Issue Within The Issue
Anunciante Ali Forney Center
Marca Ali Forney Center
Fecha de primera difusión/publicación 2021 / 12
Sector Empresarial Instituciones/Organizaciones no gubernamentales
Sinopsis 40% of the homeless youth population in New York City identifies as LGBTQ+. To raise awareness, we partnered the Ali Forney Center (AFC), an organization dedicated to housing homeless LGBTQ+ youth, with New York Magazine, and developed an issue where 40% of the total ad inventory—our 28-page magazine with a magazine—was dedicated to the challenges this group faces. We enlisted journalists and editorial experts to bring the stories of LGBTQ+ youth homelessness to life. Each page of The Issue Within The Issue had a call to action via QR code, so readers could learn more and/or donate.
Medio Prensa y publicaciones
Responsable de la creación
Director artístico
Director artístico
Director artístico
Director artístico
Responsable de conceptos / redactor
Responsable de conceptos / redactor

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