TítuloChristmas Ad 2020
Campaña Christmas Ad 2020
Anunciante The Co-operative Group
Marca Co-op
Fecha de primera difusión/publicación 2020 / 12
Sector Empresarial Grandes almacenes, supermercados
Sinopsis We completely avoided the language of loyalty with points and pounds, and instead focused on the community benefits of membership. We encouraged everyone to 'join us' and do their bit for their community through the story of two northern brothers singing a classic Oasis song. The lyrics remind the whole street that regardless of what may be the sun still shines, the birds still sing and no matter who we are, we can all make a difference when you join us as a Co-op member.

Medio Televisión
Executive Creative Director - Lucky Generals Danny Brooke-Taylor
Creative Director - Lucky Generals Danny Hunt
Creative - Lucky Generals Kendal Peters
Creative - Lucky Generals Joe Mallett
Client Partner - Lucky Generals David Mannall
Account Director - Lucky Generals Katie Hooper
Account Executive - Lucky Generals Charlie Timms
Strategy Director - Lucky Generals Alice McGinn
Producer - Lucky Generals Alice Konstam
Production Company Academy
Director - Academy Billy Boyd Cape

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