PornHub - "The Dirtiest Porn Ever - Case Study" by PHNX Awards 2020

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TítuloThe Dirtiest Porn Ever - Case Study
Campaña The Dirtiest Porn Ever
Anunciante PornHub
Marca PornHub
Fecha de primera difusión/publicación 2019 / 8
Producto Entertainment
Sinopsis Each year, more than 7 million tons of waste, mostly plastic, washes up on our shores. But even with countless campaigns, PSA’s and new laws, the problem still persists. That’s why Pornhub, the world’s largest adult network, decided to mobilize their community of 150 million+ daily users for a good cause: Saving our oceans and beaches. In order to engage them, we launched “The Dirtiest Porn Ever”, an adult film shot on one of the most polluted beaches in the world. And to help clean it and other beaches up, we asked users to get dirty by watching it. We released the video on a community member channel on, and for each view, the brand made a donation to Ocean Polymers, an organization dedicated to finding sustainable solutions for cleaning the ocean. The campaign broke through the taboos surrounding porn, making headlines across the globe, gaining praise and becoming an unlikely catalyst for change. With a low budget and no paid media investment, the adult film and the SFW launch video went viral on social media, racking up over 40 million views and counting across Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and, with 100K’s of shares across the different platforms.
Medio Case Study
Agency Officer & Gentleman
Executive Creative Directors Javi Iñiguez de Onzoño, Alex Katz
Managing Director José Ortiz
Account Executive Alba Domínguez
Art Director Luis Álvarez
Copywriter Mónica Gramunt
Agency Producer Beto P.F.
Production Company Tsunami Film House
Director Juan Gama de Cossío
Cinematographer Paco Gelardo
Film Editor Alberto Sobreviela
Postproduction Lag, Javier G. Blasco
VFX Juls Gars/ Alberto Sobreviela
Colorist David Castañón
Animation Vladimir Marchukov