TítuloTry Not To Hear This
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Anunciante Coca-Cola Company
Marca 46664/Coca-Cola

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PostedAbril 2020
Sector EmpresarialSólo para suscriptores
Medio Case Study
Managing Director P...o F...ça Sólo para suscriptores
Global COO P...o F...ça Sólo para suscriptores
Director ejecutivo de creación R....do C...l Sólo para suscriptores
Director ejecutivo de creación J..n J...er P..�a P...a Sólo para suscriptores
Director creativo adjunto Fe....do Pe.....aro Sólo para suscriptores
Director creativo adjunto J..n Za.....no Sólo para suscriptores
Director artístico A..y T...yo Sólo para suscriptores
Responsable de conceptos / redactor Al.....er A...n Sólo para suscriptores
Creative Coordinator Cr....na C....jo A...a Sólo para suscriptores
Productor de la productora R...ta N....nn Sólo para suscriptores
Productor de la productora R....do Ce....os Sólo para suscriptores
Strategy Director ..n C...aw Sólo para suscriptores
Senior Brand Planner M...as C...ia Sólo para suscriptores
Planificador de cuentas An.....ia L..a Sólo para suscriptores
Director de cuentas S....ne R..a Sólo para suscriptores
Jefe de cuentas J...y G...l Sólo para suscriptores
Ejecutivo de cuentas N...ma Ch.....ke Sólo para suscriptores

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We are DAVID.
Born from the legacy of David Ogilvy, pioneer of modern advertising. As a first name agency, we believe in firsts.
Yes: firsts.
Ideas that engage people in conversations for the first time.
Ideas like you’ve never seen before.
Ideas that lead towards a direction to be followed and that help shaping culture.
Ideas that build brands for companies that also want to be firsts. 

Latest News

Android and Ziwe invite everyone to find love, no matter what phone they have



This Valentine’s Day, Android is launching a film called “Finding Love with Ziwe,” created by DAVID Miami, this time honing in on the taxing emotional cost phone users experience when they text each other using SMS. Through a series of light-hearted interviews with real people, the film aims to highlight the cultural stigma against green bubbles in the U.S. and help iPhone users realize they are missing out on love because Apple supports the outdated technology, SMS.

Though Apple recently announced they plan to replace SMS with a more modern technology, RCS, the stigma around green bubbles could remain.

The interview is led by American journalist, comedian, and writer, Ziwe Fumudoh who applies her famous satirical approach to the issue. As an iPhone user, Ziwe brings her authentic first-hand experience and insight into the pain points created by Apple's use of antiquated technology when texting with Android. She brings iPhone users who are single and consider green-bubble texts ‘a deal breaker,’ face-to-face with prospective love matches who are Android users. By asking tough questions, Ziwe gets the iPhone users to realize they might be missing out on finding their perfect match because of their green bubble bias.

"Messaging is at the heart of the dating experience. And like any good relationship, the communication between Android and iPhone users should be seamless, inclusive, and secure. It’s time to get over the green bubble bias and not let it be the reason for a missed love connection", says Adrienne Lofton, VP Global Consumer Marketing.

“This bad texting experience only happens in chats between iPhones and non-iPhones, such as Android, and has created a cultural bias. Dating is already hard, and for many, the green bubble stigma makes it even harder. Ultimately, our goal is to create awareness amongst iPhone users that they may be overlooking perfectly eligible Android singles and missing out on potential love,” says Rafa Donato, CCO at DAVID Miami.

Since premiering her YouTube web series in 2017, Ziwe has taken the internet by storm with her signature candor, wit, and salient commentary. As the host of the late-night variety sketch show Ziwe for two seasons, she gave provocative and hilarious interviews full of hard truths to celebrities and politicians like Fran Leibowitz, Drew Barrymore, and George Santos. In addition to having an impressive career in television and comedy, a successful podcast, and a highly-anticipated book, Ziwe’s been named to Forbes 30 Under 30, and received critical acclaim by The New York Times, TIME, and Variety, among others. 

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