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Official Honoree at The 19th Annual Webby

Our director Christian Holm-Glad´s documentary "The hunt of the World´s Largest Number" is now an Official Honoree at The 19th Annual Webby Awards. YES!
The documentary can be described as a mathematical- and poetical roadtrip and is one out of two films in a series of a project that Christian calls "Arts meet Science". The second film "Sushi & Nuclear Power" which is co-produced by Bacon was screened at American Documentary Film Festival last weekend.
Congrats Christian! This is just FAB!!!
p.s to be an Official Honoree means not only that you´re nominated and honoured at the festival, it also means that the jury thinks that your work is outstanding and its part of the most extraordinary work that are displayed on the internet right now. smile emoticon…/gene…/science-education/honorees

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