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Budapest 1145 Columbus utca 69/a 3
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Basic Info

Budapest Adschool

Budapest 1145 Columbus utca 69/a 3
Sitio Web:

About Budapest Adschool

Advertising Specialist training in Budapest Adschoolban

The Budapest Adschool not the school system , but part of the advertising market , and accordingly not for the exam , but the sharp Agency prepares for work . The school's students may be in direct contact with the advertising industry 's largest form of real work in the Agency works . Inspect the advertising agency and production phases of life , from reklámfilmforgatástól through the post production of photography. Only in their own abilities and performance depends on what you get then , the best scholarship and internship opportunities are given .

practical knowledge

The whole school is that during the training, and to prepare for competitions , students gain practical experience in the advertising agency work . The classes are based on the criteria specified in the context of campaigns prepared teamwork known brands in the ads from the very first hours up and analyze their ideas , we develop it.

The practical knowledge be acquired in the context of a professional setting and a relaxed atmosphere where you are no longer alone, finally enthusiastic companions are invited to form a you. The school works made ​​during the end of the year everyone draw their own portfolio , which is a great help to the agencies to gain access . 

