Información de Contacto

220 Fifth Avenue
New York New York 10001
Estados Unidos
Teléfono: (212)889-2020

Basic Info

Fundada en: 1976

Empleados: 12

Clientes: 4

Rotter Group

220 Fifth Avenue
New York New York 10001
Estados Unidos
Teléfono: (212)889-2020

Steve Rotter

Teléfono: 949-715-3814

About Rotter Group

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Filosofía y ventajas competitivas
Rotter Group decided 25 years ago to stay focused on one single niche - kids, teens and their parents and to become the preeminent expert in the marketing and advertising to this niche. To that end, we have maintained a record of unparalleled expertise and excellence in producing the best advertising against all other Agencies regardless of size. By maintaining our independence, we are able to offer clients the value that traditional agencies simple cannot match.
Descripción de la red
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