Información de Contacto

Via Tortona 14
Milano 20144
Teléfono: 02 831 0551

Basic Info

Competencias principales: Marketing Services, Comunicación Corporativa, Marcas / Desarrollo del producto, Packaging / Diseño

Empleados: 12

Creaciones: 2

Clientes: 19

Göttsche - agenzia di pubblicità e marketing srl

Via Tortona 14
Milano 20144
Teléfono: 02 831 0551

Barbara Arioli

Managing Director

Teléfono: 02 831 0551

Alfredo Bartiromo

Client Services Director

Teléfono: 02 831 0551

About Göttsche - agenzia di pubblicità e marketing srl

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Inglés, Alemán, Italiano
Filosofía y ventajas competitivas
The most important “services” we offer are immediate and direct relations between us (charter members) and the clients, to create “together” a message to successfully communicate the basic values that bind the brand and the consumer. We always try to “think and go beyond” any distinction (above the line/below the line, old media/new media), because if there’s a big idea, it should be free to express itself in a more comprehensive and integrated way. “There are many ways of telling something, but there’s always one that you remember more.” This is our philosophy.
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