
Los Angeles, Estados Unidos

Información de Contacto

12101 West Bluff Creek Drive
Los Angeles California 90094
Estados Unidos
Teléfono: 310-215-9009

Basic Info

Fundada en: 2004

Empleados: 150

Premios: 201

Clientes: 8


12101 West Bluff Creek Drive
Los Angeles California 90094
Estados Unidos
Teléfono: 310-215-9009

Rebekah Jefferis

New Business

About 72andSunny

72andSunny has offices in Amsterdam, Los Angeles, New York, Sydney and Singapore. We create cultural impact on behalf of brands and have been recognized as one of Fast Company’s Most Innovative Companies for two years in a row, and are a two-time “Agency of the Year” winner for Advertising Age and Adweek. Our clients include Activision, adidas, Axe, Carl’s Jr./Hardee’s, Carlsberg, Ciroc, Comcast, Coors, Dropbox, eBay, ESPN, Google, General Mills, Seventh Generation, Smirnoff, Starbucks, Tillamook, and truth.

Our mission at 72andSunny is to be a platform for personal growth and creative self expression. To support this, we support people as their lives change, including having kids. We’ve joined Pledge Parental Leave (pledgepl.org), a movement uniting creative companies to give parents paid parental leave. At 72andSunny, primary caregivers receive six months of paid protected leave with an additional month of flex time prior to and post leave as well as six months of uninterrupted medical insurance. Secondary caregivers receive up to four weeks of paid protected leave with the additional month of flex time prior to and post leave as well as four weeks of uninterrupted medical insurance. All new parents also receive a Bugaboo stroller or gift card when their child arrives. Until there is universal support in the U.S. that recognizes the importance of this support, companies need to lead the way and help tip the scales. We’re committed to reviewing our parent policy on a regular basis to evolve it as needed. 


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