San Francisco, Estados Unidos

Información de Contacto

118 King Street 6th Floor
San Francisco California 94107
Estados Unidos
Teléfono: 415 645 9400

Basic Info

Competencias principales: Digital, Marketing directo, Compra de Medios / Planificación, Marcas / Desarrollo del producto

Fundada en: 1990

Empleados: 322

Premios: 47

Clientes: 33


118 King Street 6th Floor
San Francisco California 94107
Estados Unidos
Teléfono: 415 645 9400
Ajaz Ahmed

Ajaz Ahmed


Teléfono: +44 (0)20 7494 9200

Tom Bedecarre


Teléfono: 415-645-9400

Michael De Kare-Silver

Managing Director, Europe

Teléfono: 20 7494 9200

Chee Yue Ho

Managing Director, Singapore

Teléfono: (+65) 6438 7227

William Lidstone

New Business Director (Europe)

Teléfono: 020 7780 4798

Molly Parsley

Molly Parsley

Marketing & PR Manager

Teléfono: 415-284-9916

Erik Rogstad

Director Creative Development

Teléfono: 202 551 9900

Jason Whiting

MD, Washington D.C.

Teléfono: 415 645-9400

About AKQA

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Filosofía y ventajas competitivas
AKQA is a global interactive marketing firm developing innovative strategy, creative and technology solutions to help its clients achieve maximum results. We are ranked in the top five interactive agencies by Advertising Age and twice-recognized as the “Most Respected Agency” by New Media Age. In January 2005, AKQA was named "Creative Agency of the Year" by OMMA Magazine. We've implemented e-commerce and content management solutions. We've created websites, email marketing, online advertising and viral communications. We've delivered ideas on mobile phones, kiosks, digital organizers, DVDs, and Interactive TV. And we've done it globally. When it comes to digital, AKQA is a full-service agency. As an organization our teams are adept at interfacing and collaborating with a range of client departments including marketing, sales, business development, customer services, operations, technology, IT and senior management.
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