27 Maiden Lane
Suite #7 San Francisco California 94108
Estados Unidos
Teléfono:415 434-2191
Bob Gardner
Teléfono:415 645 6800
Douglass Hannah
Chief Financial Officer
Teléfono:415 645 6844
Christine Huang
Chief Marketing Officer
Teléfono:415 645 6899
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About Maiden Lane Inc.
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Filosofía y ventajas competitivas
We believe the best way to produce business (brand) building advertising today is to know where your company wants to be tomorrow. Once we understand the brand vision, we can create marketing communications solutions that will take you into the future. At GGC we actively listen for the voice of your business that will guide the strategic direction for your brand. This voice may come from the company, the marketplace, the agency, or the consumer. Either way, it is our job to identify this voice and to meld it with the vision to create effective brand building advertising. We call this process V2. The V2 process gets at the root of several key questions: "What are your brand values? "What is your brand’s competitive landscape? "How do we best differentiate your brand? "What is the consumer’s relationship with your brand? "What consumer values drive the category/the brand? "What is your customer’s mindset?"
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