London, Reino Unido

Información de Contacto

15 Rathbone Street
London W1T 1NB
Reino Unido
Teléfono: 020 7462 8500

Basic Info


Holding: WPP (London, Reino Unido)


15 Rathbone Street
London W1T 1NB
Reino Unido
Teléfono: 020 7462 8500

About m/SIX

GroupM is the leading global media investment management operation serving as the parent company to WPP media agencies including Mindshare, MEC, MediaCom and Maxus, each global operations in their own right with leading market positions. GroupM’s primary purpose is to maximize performance of WPP’s media agencies by operating as leader and collaborator in trading, content creation, sports, digital, finance, proprietary tool development and other business-critical capabilities. GroupM’s focus is to deliver unrivaled marketplace advantage to its clients, stakeholders and people. 

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