Información de Contacto

730 N. Franklin St. Suite 700
Chicago IL 60654
Estados Unidos
Teléfono: (312) 751-0503

Basic Info

Competencias principales: Todo en uno, Marketing Services

Fundada en: 2015

Empleados: 20

Onion Labs

730 N. Franklin St. Suite 700
Chicago IL 60654
Estados Unidos
Teléfono: (312) 751-0503
Julie Scott

Julie Scott

VP, General Manager

Teléfono: (504) 913-0068

About Onion Labs

We're the branded content agency within the walls of The Onion, combining the greatest comedy and pop culture writers in the world with experts from some of the largest ad agencies in the U.S.


Inglés, Español
Filosofía y ventajas competitivas

We know how to reach and influence consumers with the speed and agility of a modern digital publisher, and now we're offering that expertise to brands. Our work stands out because we don’t write ads, we create content that your target audience actually wants to watch. We know how to make brands the star without sacrificing entertainment. 

Descripción de la red

Onion, Inc. is a Chicago-based digital media company composed of America's Finest News Source, The Onion; pop-culture sister publication, The A.V. Club; internet culture satire website, ClickHole; creative services agency, Onion Labs; long form content studio, Onion Studios; and full-service production company, Onion Productions.

In January 2016, 40% of Onion Inc. was acquired by privately-owned media group, Univision Communications Inc., and moved under their subsidiary, Fusion Media Group (FMG). In addition to Onion Inc., Fusion Media Group is made up of El Rey, Fusion, Flama, The Root, Univision Digital, Univision Digital, Univision Music, the Gizmodo Media Group which includes Deadspin, Gizmodo/io9, Jalopnik, Jezebel, Kotaku and Lifehacker. 

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