Información de Contacto

Querstraße 7
Frankfurt 60322
Teléfono: +49 69 2475 725 33

Basic Info

Fundada en: 2011

Spark44 Frankfurt

Querstraße 7
Frankfurt 60322
Teléfono: +49 69 2475 725 33

About Spark44 Frankfurt

Global business, transformed. Spark44 is the first global client/agency joint venture model that has radically transformed the Jaguar Land Rover brands and business.

With decades of experience grappling with an immovable industry, a joint team of client and agency leaders decided it was time to create something different. Perhaps the first truly new model in decades with four key objectives: Drive Change, Create Efficiency, Provide Focus, Deliver Excellence.

The idea was simple yet industry shattering. A business partnership between client and agency delivering on what clients and agencies cry out for: a shared platform for mission, excellence, dedication, unity and a business driving focus. Key to the model is what it is not: not a holding company mash up, or an in-house agency. Spark44 is an independent, free standing company with a distinct culture, mission and practices. And now Spark44 seeks to grow with new client/agency partnerships.

We have assembled a citizenship, a community of diverse people from all over: in and out of the industry, brainiacs and artists, analysts and scientists. All have one burning common itch: to challenge convention and make amazing things happen. Working at Spark44 is not just a job but a joint adventure in creating demand.

Be Bold. Be Brave. Be Honest. 

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